AIZen 如何協助您

我們將主動與您聯繫,為您的企業量身打造專屬的 Demo 體驗,讓您了解:​

✓ 我們多元的課程內容如何幫助您的員工舒緩工作壓力、改善睡眠問題,並提升專注力和決策能力​

✓ 我們依據員工的生活情境設計,讓他們隨時隨地都能輕鬆維持身心健康​

✓ 我們將全程支援您的企業,從 AIZen 導入到長期的企業身心健康提升計畫



“We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”

“We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”

“We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”